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Parto Azmoon Azar (PAA Group) Services

Parto Azmoon Azar (PAA Group) is a leading provider of Asset Integrity Management (AIM) and Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) solutions to the oil and gas, petrochemical and power industries to evaluate the structural integrity of critical infrastructures. Parto Azmoon Azar (PAA Group) combines new and improved mechanical integrity technologies, traditional & advanced NDT techniques and software solutions to deliver a comprehensive Asset Management portfolio, ranging from routine inspections to complex Asset Risk Assessments and remedial action recommendations.

Parto Azmoon Azar (PAA Group) Services

Is capable of producing high quality industrial radiography inspections on many items previously thought impractical for NDT. The Betatron portable x-ray has been utilized at gas processing facilities to determine the rate or rates of internal erosion/corrosion on heavy walled valves and fittings, up to 250 mm in thickness, during regular operational hours. This resulted in no down time on behalf of the operator and determined the validity of process components. The following is a short list of industrial radiography applications well suited for the Betatron portable x-ray: Large Forgings, castings, valves, beams, ship's hulls, pressure vessels, engine blocks, billets, thick welds, dense metals, composites, military hardware, munitions/propellants, reinforced concrete buildings and bridges.
Remote inspection technique that can detect faults in a component where the faults result in a measurable change in component surface temperature
Can detect surface flaws in electrically conductive materials (metals). Can test through non-metallic coatings and can measure coating thickness some capability exists for determining flaw height via comparison with reference flaws such as notches.
Eddy Current Heat Exchanger Tube Inspection needs a high level of cleaning of tube insides. Cleaning method should be selected according to type of material flowing inside tubes.
Can detect and measure loss of wall thickness in tubing with ferromagnetic materials. Not as accurate as eddy current test used for non-ferromagnetic materials.
Can detect surface breaking flaws. Better capability when special optical aids are used. Capability is heavily dependent on access, component surface condition and the level of lighting. Cannot determine flaw height.
Can detect surface breaking flaws in non-porous materials (metals/non-metals). The better the component surface condition the better the capability. Cannot detect flaws filled with foreign material and cannot determine flaw height.
Can detect surface breaking flaws in non-porous materials (metals/non-metals). The better the component surface condition the better the capability. Cannot detect flaws filled with foreign material and cannot determine flaw height.
Can detect, characterize and size (inc. height) surface and embedded flaws. Can test through paint coatings and metallic cladding and can measure component wall thickness very accurately. Materials with large grain structures such as those found in castings, cast iron and stainless steel welds are difficult to inspect. Its capability to detect small flaws and to accurately determine flaw size, in particular flaw height, means it is used widely as part of fitness-for-service assessments.
Hardness is the resistance of a material to permanent indentation. Hardness is used extensively to characterize materials and to determine if they are suitable for their intended use.
Is a qualitative method used for controlling trays and process of towers using radiographic imaging
Is capable of producing high quality industrial radiography inspections on many items previously thought impractical for NDT. The Betatron portable x-ray has been utilized at gas processing facilities to determine the rate or rates of internal erosion/corrosion on heavy walled valves and fittings, up to 250 mm in thickness, during regular operational hours. This resulted in no down time on behalf of the operator and determined the validity of process components. The following is a short list of industrial radiography applications well suited for the Betatron portable x-ray: Large Forgings, castings, valves, beams, ship's hulls, pressure vessels, engine blocks, billets, thick welds, dense metals, composites, military hardware, munitions/propellants, reinforced concrete buildings and bridges.
Can detect surface and embedded flaws. Gives a permanent record of the inspection (the exposed film). Good detection capability for volumetric flaws such as slag lines and porosity in welds. Generally poor detection capability for planar flaws such as lack of fusion and cracks in welds. Cannot determine flaw height.
CUI Is a severe form of localized external corrosion that occurs in carbon and low alloy steel equipment that has been insulated. This form of corrosion occurs when water is absorbed by or collected in the insulation. The equipment begins to corrode as it is exposed to water and oxygen. CUID is an Advanced Technology for detecting this kind of corrosion, using fluoroscopic X-Ray technique in service and without removing the insulation.
It Is an instrument used to detect the quality of welding in long distance pipelines from inside. The X-Ray Pipe Line Crawler is safe, efficient, cost effective and easy to operate and maintain.
Can detect and size surface and embedded flaws. Capable of very accurate height sizing. Good ‘screening’ technique for the rapid detection of flaws in simple weld geometries.
Can detect and measure material loss very accurately including non-uniform/isolated corrosion types such as pitting. Very good monitoring technique allowing accurate calculation of corrosion rates (important for estimating component life). Applications including vessels, pipes, pipe bends (erosion) and tank walls.
Particularly good for difficult to inspect components such as those with complex geometry and fillet welds, for example. Detection, sizing and flaw characterization capability.
Can detect corrosion in a variety of components and locations such as in the corrosion under insulation, annular plate of a storage tank, under pipe supports or clamps and in long lengths of pipe. Many factors can greatly reduce the capability of long range techniques.
Is the emission of characteristic "secondary" (or fluorescent) X-rays from a material that has been excited by bombarding with high-energy X-rays or gamma rays. The phenomenon is widely used for elemental analysis and chemical analysis, particularly in the investigation of metals, glass, ceramics and building materials, and for research in geochemistry, forensic science and archaeology.
Operates by generating an alternating magnetic field in the sample which is proportional to the ferrite content. The instrument, measures the relative permeability of a material in the alternating magnetic field of its probe. This provides a ferrite content reading, which is largely uninfluenced by various extrinsic parameters. These instruments are widely specified as essential on projects ranging from oil exploration, chemical production, utility and other processing plants exposed to heat, aggressive media and high pressure.

Risk Based Inspection (RBI)

RBI is a risk assessment and management process that is focused on loss of containment of pressurized equipment in processing facilities.

Risk Based Inspection

Risk Based Inspection RBI is a risk assessment and management process that is focused on loss of containment of pressurized equipment in processing facilities, due to material deterioration. These risks are managed primarily through equipment inspection. In most processing plants, a large percent of the total unit risk will be concentrated in a relatively small percent of the equipment items. These potential high-risk components may require greater attention, perhaps through a revised inspection plan.


• 60-80% risk reduction and improve plant availability and safety
• 30-40% return on investment (ROI) and optimize the
  limited budget of the inspection and maintenance departments
• Extend shutdown and inspection intervals
• Optimize inspection methods and avoid over-inspection
• Legislative compliance

Fitness For Services(FFS)

FFS assessment is a multi-disciplinary approach to determine whether equipment is fit for continued service.

Risk Based Inspection

FFS assessment is a multi-disciplinary approach to determine whether equipment is fit for continued service. The equipment or system in question may contains flaws or other damages, or may be exposed to more severe operating conditions than anticipated by the original design. The outcome of a fitness-for-service assessment is a decision to run as is, repair, re-rate, alter, or retire the equipment.

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